Employment law | Alien law

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With today's new work models and growing assignments abroad, companies need to ensure that the right agreements are in place with their employees. There are also various local and international rules and requirements to consider. BDO offers comprehensive services for HR professionals, covering legal aspects as well as social security and payroll services.


Our expertise at a glance

  • Employment agreements and employment regulations
  • Collectively bargained agreements
  • Advice on operational reorganisations and mass redundancy
  • Work, residency and permanent residency permits, subsequent family immigration
  • Calculation of minimum wages
  • Policies and contracts for assignments abroad
  • Working hours inspections
  • Representation before tripartite committees
Christa Kalbermatten

Christa Kalbermatten

lic. iur., attorney-at-law, Head of the Labour Law and Tenancy Law Section
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