Sustainable Finance

The density of ESG self-regulation is growing in the Swiss financial sector, as reflected in the relevant publications issued by the Swiss Bankers Association (SBA) and the Asset Management Association Switzerland . The Swiss Federal Council has confirmed its commitment to a sustainable financial sector in Switzerland, while FINMA continues to increase its supervisory activities in the ESG area. At the same time, the European Union is introducing a comprehensive package of regulations, which brings together provisions on uniform classification of sustainable economic activities. The regulations are associated with disclosure duties at the institutional and product level, as well as concrete ESG and sustainable finance related conduct and documentation requirements in connection with investment advice and asset management.

BDO Financial Services offers a comprehensive portfolio of services to support you in managing your sustainable finance challenges:

  • Employee training
  • Creating and amending policies and forms
  • Revising risk management and corporate governance frameworks
  • Revising corporate presentations and product information
  • Developing and introducing sustainable finance compliant processes for investment advice and asset management
  • Auditing implementation of sustainable finance self-regulation and sustainable finance industry standards