René Füglister
The consolidated financial statements are an important management tool, contributing to greater transparency for all stakeholders and providing clarity on the financial management of a group. Companies required to prepare consolidated financial statements are also subject to a statutory audit by a licensed audit expert or audit firm under state oversight.
Even if there is no legal requirement to prepare consolidated financial statements, many groups choose to do so voluntarily as they increase transparency – and trust – for the group’s lenders, financial institutions and stakeholders.
Our services:
The report of the statutory auditor on the consolidated financial statements and the comprehensive report to the board of directors are important deliverables, offering valuable and practicable pointers and suggestions for improvement. The comprehensive report to the board of directors covers the consolidated financial statements and the individual subsidiaries. It sets out our findings on your organisation’s accounting and internal control system, and covers the performance and results of our audit.
Our reporting supports your audit committee and board of directors in fulfilling their duties. In subsequent years, we assess whether agreed measures have been implemented by relevant entities and report on the current status.