Services for wealth managers

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Asset managers face even stricter compliance requirements now that FinSA and FinIA have entered into force. Due to our vast expertise in the financial market sector, we are able to support managers of collective investment schemes or individual assets.

Support in the FINMA authorization process

You would like to obtain a license as a wealth manager? We have many years of experience in accompanying FINMA authorization processes and know your challenges as well as the expectations of the supervisory authorities.

There are usually 5 challenges in an authorization project, which we are happy to address with you:



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Outsourcing the internal control function

Seeking certainty when it comes to regulatory requirements and monitoring of potential risks? We support you in strengthening your company and increasing the quality of your services. As your trusted outsourcing partner for portfolio managers and trustees, BDO can assist you with the following tasks:

Modular - flexible - individual

Every institution is different. We define the service catalogue together with you. From complete outsourcing of the internal control function to delegation of individual sub-tasks within compliance - you choose and purchase only those services that you cannot or do not want to perform yourself.

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BDO Service Platform for Asset Managers

Would you like to focus on your core business, while simultaneously ensuring that all compliance requirements are met in an efficient manner? The BDO Service Platform for Asset Managers allows small to medium-sized asset management providers to manage the complex requirements of the future with reasonable effort and expense.

Your Benefits:

The BDO Service Platform consists of three modules. You choose the content and scope of your individual service package.


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