Financial Reporting

Financial Reporting

There is good reason why they say you should “read” a balance sheet, much like you “read” a book. A balance sheet or set of annual financial statements shows a company’s financial situation and economic performance since the last report. And there are different “languages” to reflect the economic reality. The “languages” of the different financial reporting standards all have their own quirks, advantages and disadvantages. Choosing the right one depends on the addressees and stakeholders of the financial reporting. There is no “best” standard for everyone.

Depending on its situation, a company can choose to report in accordance with the Swiss Code of Obligations (CO), Swiss GAAP FER, International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) or US GAAP. Whichever language you choose, we speak it fluently at BDO. We are familiar with the peculiarities of each reporting standard and help you choose the best fit for your organisation. BDO is your partner for financial reporting standards - from adoption and conversion to interpretation. 


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René Krügel

René Krügel

Partner, Member of Management Central Switzerland Region, Head of topic center accounting standards
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