Edgar Wohlhauser
The high degree of regulation and increasing complexity of the banking and financial services sector has led to soaring demand for professional consulting services. Our qualified staff are highly conversant with the complex interplay of modern finance issues and combine skills with creativity in the service of:
Thanks to its extensive know-how and many years' experience, BDO is one of the few auditing companies to be recognised as an auditor by the Swiss Financial Market Advisory Authority (FINMA) and the Financial Market Authority (FMA) of the Principality of Liechtenstein. We offer efficient solutions for external and internal audits as well as for the consulting of banks, securities firms and managers of collecitve assets.
BDO has bundled the management of primary insurers, reinsurers and health insurers within the Financial Services unit to form a competence centre. This means we are able to offer ideally constituted, interdisciplinary teams. The high quality of our work is grounded in our many years of experience and our staff’s outstanding professional qualifications. To insurance undertakings in Switzerland we offer solutions for internal and external audits and consulting in areas such as compliance, risk management and control systems.
New technologies and changing customer needs are reshaping the financial industry in an unprecedented way. Fintech entrepreneurs and those interested in Fintech companies are confronted with a wide range of questions.
We have proven expertise and an extensive network in the areas relevant to you. To help you quickly achieve your goals and provide practical support, we have set up a central point of contact for you.
The licensed casinos are governed by the Casino Act. In much the same way as banks, these companies, too, must comply with strict organisational requirements and have their annual financial statements and their compliance with the legal provisions audited and certified by specially qualified auditors. Being a professional service provider, we ensure that our staff have extensive market and specialist knowledge.
BDO is accredited as an AMLA audit firm by the money laundering control authority and by numerous self-regulating organisations. We are also authorised to ensure adherence to the guidelines on fund distribution issued by the Swiss Funds Association.
Edgar Wohlhauser