

Investigating white-collar crime and supporting prevention

Each year, white-collar crimes are responsible for nine-digit losses in Switzerland. BDO’s Forensic team helps you establish facts and quantify losses to provide you with a sound basis for decision-making.

We also support you with the identification of future preventative measures.


Independent advice in challenging situations

We offer independent investigations of allegations or suspicious activities, including: 

  • Embezzlement
  • Fraud
  • Corruption/bribery
  • Economic espionage

Typical issues we investigate include potential conflicts of interests, fraudulent invoicing, active and passive corruption/bribery, money laundering, suspected breaches of non-compete clauses, theft of trade secrets, violations of procurement guidelines and other types of unethical conduct.


Turn BDO’s expertise into your advantage

In times of crises, partner with our multidisciplinary investigation team for active support. We provide you with the facts you need, to make well-considered decisions.

We are also able to reduce your compliance risk by implementing suitable measures that safeguard the integrity of your investigation.


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