Global Response Team

Across the globe, governments including the 27 member states of the European Union, Switzerland, and the United States of America are taking decisive action by issuing stringent sanctions against Russia, following its military invasion of the Ukraine.

To assist its clients with their imminent needs, BDO has set up a global response team supporting businesses by responding to their questions in an appropriate and timely manner.

Sanctions Overview

The introduced sanctions cover a wide range of industries and impact businesses globally.

For the latest sanctions updates, we recommend visiting the websites of the international sanctions authorities listed below:


Am I affected?

To establish the potential impact on your business, BDO’s global response team has prepared a set of key questions (checklist) your organization must consider in the light of current developments.

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The current situation and the further evolution of sanctions are highly dynamic and provide a challenge to many international organizations.

How we can help

BDO can assist you with comprehensive support in the form of expert advice as well as the required resources.

Enterprises must continuously monitor their operations to gauge the business impact of the evolving sanctions on a global scale, to avoid non-compliance with the direct or indirect sanctions and with it severe regulatory and reputational consequences.

Additional Resources