Christian Zumstein
Instead of investing resources in your own finance and accounting department, with personnel, workstations and IT, you can outsource these functions to BDO. BDO staff will manage all your finance and accounting needs and will generate reliable finance information in-house at your premises or at your nearest BDO branch, as required.
External CFO
Due to the size of your company, you cannot afford to engage your own CFO. The BDO specialist will act as your external CFO, monitoring the routine activities performed by your internal personnel, providing information, generating your annual financial statements, assuming responsibility for budgeting and taking part in your annual banking discussions. Your accounting will be managed professionally, and cover for absences guaranteed.
External controller
If the same person is responsible for the preparation of financial statements and controlling, the financial statements normally take priority. Often the time required to analyze the numerical data and advise management is lacking. The BDO controller will analyze your results and any deviations, and will indicate any areas with potential for improvement. They will ensure that managers have the information they need for their management tasks. This separation of financial statement preparation and controlling functions creates an internal control system (ICS) and ensures cover for absences.
Pension fund services
The occupational pension field is becoming more complex and challenging all the time. Current events, changes in legislation and - in particular - tighter regulations by the authorities are compelling companies to make permanent changes. Pension fund management is subject to ever increasing demands. BDO staff can offer you professional pension fund management, assuming responsibility for partial areas on a modular basis or managing the foundation as a whole.
Support at the appropriate level
BDO can provide you with specialists at all levels. Administrators, employees with a Federal certificate and holders of expert diplomas.
Christian Zumstein
Thomas Bucher
Xavier Pan
Beat Spichtig
Monia Kennerley