What do we stand for?

Our mission

We are an independent Swiss firm operating in the auditing, accounting, tax and consulting services arena. Together with our motivated employees, we generate lasting added value for businesses, nonprofit organisations and the public sector. We have the densest network of offices in the -industry and support our clients worldwide as a member of the international BDO network. We build trust through quality and strong commitment.

Where do we want to go?

Our vision

We are seen as the no. 1 in terms of trust, quality and service, and are the industry leader with 25,000 satisfied clients.

Our values

How clients benefit

Client management is based on the principle of the «client as partner». All clients have their own dedicated contact person who supports them on over the long term and coordinates all services provided to them by BDO. Our clients are always served by the offi ce that offers them the greatest benefi ts. Responsibilities are defined on a case-by-case basis, and may be determined both geographically and on a thematic basis. Client partners bear ultimate responsibility for their client.

Quality and client benefits shape the way we think and act. We are also aware that an impeccable reputation is vitally important to the development of BDO. We address these considerations in everything we do.

In Switzerland, we cover all parts of the country and all linguistic regions. We have the best, densest geographical coverage in our industry, meaning we are always close at hand to address clients’ needs and concerns.


Our corporate culture is geared towards people and sustainable actions. Excellent, lasting rela-tionships with clients, employees and business partners are vital in our view. This enables us to ensure our employees support our clients on a long-term basis. For us, sustainability also means being careful and considerate in our use of natural resources.

Attractive employer

Within our firm, we encourage and require strong commitment, flexibility in terms of working hours and place of work, together with a team-based approach and healthy competition. In return, our employees earn genuine recognition, respect and fitting rewards. Outstanding achievement is specially acknowledged.


The expertise of our employees is a key pillar of our success. For all employees, we encourage -development at the appropriate level in specialist skills, management skills, personal and social skills, as well as entrepreneurial behaviour. In this way, we ensure our employees can identify our clients’ requirements, concerns and expectations, address them in a pragmatic manner and exceed them time after time.

Personnel culture

BDO employees nurture fair, open-minded dialogue among one another and towards third parties – even in challenging situations. Respect and appreciation are the basic principles of the way we work. We stick to our promises.


We are a Swiss firm. Our owners are our senior management employees in Switzerland as well as our own pension fund. We preserve our independence of thought and action.


We comply with all applicable legal and professional standards as well as internal policies.

A long-term approach

Long-term success is the firm’s primary objective. The aim is for our owners to achieve an -appropriate return on the capital employed. We strive for continuous growth in order to provide our employees with attractive opportunities for development and to enable us able to cope with rising demands.