HR Policy and Secondment Advice

An increasing number of companies operate globally, deploying staff in a variety of ways – in short or long-term secondments, as multi-state workers or foreign local hires. It is extremely important to plan these deployments properly and develop standardized guidelines. These policies have a major impact in terms of achieving a consistent approach, equally providing employees with a legal certainty concerning their future position and finally simplifying the operational and administrative procedures.

Does your company need to settle various types of international staff deployments?

We offer you all the answers and support for:   

  • Advice on secondments, drawing up or review of secondment policies
  • Advice regarding the forms of deployment, planning and organising international assignments for the HR departments
  • Providing advice, preparing and reviewing secondment / employment contracts
  • Assistance with the selection of employees to send on secondment
  • Preparation of your employees and their family members for the host country
  • Analysis of the host country's local expenses
  • Cost calculations, including ammendment of the living expenses and overall company expenditures of a secondment

Do you lack resources and know-how in this area?

Give us a call – we also take on the outsourcing of your expatriate management.